Mills Location
ArcelorMittal manufactures rails that are used all over the world
ArcelorMittal is part of the reduced group of rail manufacturers with sites in:
Gijon (Spain), Dabrowa Gonizca and Chorzow (Poland) and Rodange (Luxembourg).
ArcelorMittal Gijón
Apartado 570 (P:O: Box 570). Edificio de Energías, 2ª P. 33691 – Gijón, Asturias España
ArcelorMittal Rodange 2, rue de l´industrie. L-4823 – Rodange G.D. of Luxemburgo
ArcelorMittal Dabrowa Al.J.Pilsudskiego 92. 41-308 – Dabrowa , Górnicza Polonia
ArcelorMittal Krolewska Ul. Metalowcow. 41-500 – Chorzów Polonia
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